Executive Director, Access Corporation.

Lanre Bamisebi

With a two-decade career spanning IT, consultancy, project management, and talent development, Mr. Bamisebi is a distinguished professional. He's driven success across 22 African countries in diverse sectors like telecom, oil, banking, and fintech. As an Executive Director, his leadership journey includes roles like Managing Director at Finserve Africa and Group Director at EGHL in Kenya. His academic profile is equally impressive, with degrees from institutions like The Polytechnic Ibadan and Durham Business School. Mr Bamisebi's journey embodies excellence in technology, strategy, and leadership.

    All Sessions by: Lanre Bamisebi

    • 10:00-12:00
      The challenge is named "Go-to-Talent" and is designed to showcase and recognise innovators who have created products or services that contribute to sustainability in